Traditionally the Physics and Mathematics Department of the University holds The "Week of physics." The morning of February 24 started with a festive meeting and the anthem of Physics and Mathematics Department. The "Week of physics" was launched by Maryna Dekarchuk, the Deputy Head of the Department of Physics and Astronomy and methods of teaching, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. She announced agenda for the week. Those present at the festive meeting were Tetiana Makhometa, the Deputy Dean for Academic Issues, Oksana Zhmud, the Associate Dean of education and all Department staff. The students enthusiastically listened to the speakers because they are very fond of the suchlike events.

Department of Physics and Astronomy and methods of teaching physics and astronomy organized an exhibition of self-constructed physical devices and an exhibition of research papers of teachers. To begin the "Week of physics" the students prepared the wall newspaper to spread it in the corridors of the Department. They also presented interesting crosswords, puzzles, portraits of physicists and their famous sayings which created a special atmosphere.

The second day of the week began with the radio newspaper in which Olesya Svirhun, the presenter gave a brief insight into the history of the Department of Physics and Astronomy and methods of teaching and the teaching staff of the Department. "Recent developments in the methods of teaching physics and astronomy" educational-methodical seminar was attended by all the teachers of the Department of Physics and Astronomy and methods of teaching physics and astronomy, teachers of the Computer Science and IT Department and the students. The workshop also discussed the issues relating to the prospects and possibilities of the use of environmental education, training and upbringing of the national consciousness of the students, competence-based approach in reforming the abilities and skills of planning and conducting a physical experiment in a secondary school. The advantages and disadvantages of using innovative technologies in teaching astronomy in high school were also on the agenda. The graduate students produced a relevant and informative report with colorful presentations. The speakers gave exhaustible answers to the questions asked by the teachers and students. And all the interesting aspects of the reports were discussed later.

Along with the scientific-methodical seminar there was an Olympiad in Physics held with 1-3 year students studying "Physics". The tasks were far from being simple so the students were very attentive and careful in search of the solutions.

Within the week of physics there was an intellectual quiz-game organized by 1-4 year students and "What? Where? When?" game with participation of the winner students of the Department of Physics, Astronomy and methods of teaching, and the teachers of the same Department. The four teams (six participants in each) participating in the game determined the stages of the competitions by lot. The game included interesting and unusual questions in physics. The questions were related to the development of logical thinking and they were very interesting not only for those who competed but also for the audience. The participants actively discussed the issues and offered competent and extraordinary answers.

The winners of the first stage of the game were the third and second year students. In the final, the team of the third year students was only a few points ahead of the team of the second year students. The winners received prizes. The audience was also entertained with exciting advertisements presented by the students who cheered on their teams. Then the winner team and the team of teachers of the Department of Physics, Astronomy and methods of teaching took part in the "What? Where? When?" game. This game was very exciting for the students as they competed with their mentors. The winner was the select team of students. But as Yulia Dikhtyarenko, the teacher of physics said, “this is not a defeat for the teachers; it’s rather a great victory because they can be proud of the smart, savvy, intelligent students who get good knowledge of the exact sciences in our University.”

The students had been looking forward to the next event of the week - their favorite Imaginative and Quick-Witted game in physics on the topic of "Physics as it is", with participation of "Crisis of classical physics" team of the fresher students, "Young scholars in Physics" team of the 2 year students and "Proton" team represented by the 3d year students. During the start the teams showed much humor and brilliance. During the competition the "Protons" and "Crisis of classical physics" were just amazing. The second competition was traditionally a warm-up during which the teams impressed everyone with a unique sense of humor. In the third stage the team leaders were competing. Of course, they showed excellence this difficult test. The last competition and the most anticipated one was the homework assignment for "Physics and Mathematics Department." The "Protons" outshined all the other teams with an incredibly entertaining and witty video performance. No less interesting and witty speeches were offered by the other teams. The audience and fans were generous in applause. At the end of the event the audience stood up and applauded to all the participants. The jury was mostly impressed by the youngest members of the teams – the first year students who captivated the spectators with bright images, witty and intelligent humor. It is worth mentioning the great team of III year students which, as always, showed very good results. The II year students’ team showed heroism as the three students defended the honor of the team, their performance was very appealing for the audience. In short, despite the stereotypes, the physics proved that could not only learn the formulas and laws, but also be witty, creative, and intelligent.

The final stage of the "Week of Physics" was awarding the winners. The best of the best were awarded, but the main thing was not really to win but to take part and have fun. So the summing up was long awaited by everyone. The students were awarded in various categories with diplomas and sweet prizes. In the competition of wall newspapers in the category of contents group 33 won the 1 place, group 21 won the second place and group 11 won the third place. In the category of formatting group 23 was the best, group 22 won the second place. In the category of distinctiveness the winner was group 31 group, the second prize was awarded to group 32, and third one to group 23. The winner in the Olympiad in Physics was Svitlana Onischuk, the second place was awarded to Ivan Soltusenko, and third place was won by Oleksandr Yakubenko. The intellectual quiz had the following results: The first place was awarded to the team of the 3 year students, the second place was conquered by the team of 2 year students, the third place was given to the team of the 4 year students and the fourth place was won by the fresher’s team.

"What? Where? When?" game was the platform to shine for Yaryna Shchepkina, Oleksandr Yurchenko, Svitlana Onischuk, Ivan Soltusenko, Bogdan Surzhok, Dmytro Derman. The best contestants were determined in the Imaginative and Quick-Witted game. The first place was won by "Crisis of classical physics", the second place was won by "Protons" (3rd year students), the third place was given to "Young scholars Physics" (2nd year students). The Certificates for participation in "Modern problems of methodology of teaching physics and astronomy" scientific-methodical seminar were awarded to Alyona Tkachuk, Oksana Dikhtyar, Snizhana Hlivnushko, Mariana Horava, Yana Ryaba.

Department of Physics and Astronomy and methods of teaching is grateful for the help in organizing the Week of Physics to Oksana Zhmud, the Associate Dean of education, students Pavlo Hlukhinchuk, Mariana Horava, Alyona Tkachuk, Taras Reznichenko, Olesya Svirhun and Anatoly Petrenko - the software developer at Department of Informatics and IT.

The "Week physics" has proved once again that the physicists are serious people who possess distinguishable knowledge and remain clever lyrics at the same time.

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