Foreign students of USPU study thoroughly, actively rest, try to spend their free time to be both physically and culturally developed. It is reached also owing to care of the university administration and student council of the departments. For example, at Physical Training Department dominates tolerant atmosphere, with mutual understanding among our and foreign students. Their relationships are built on trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. Friendly relations among students help better understand their culture.

During winter holidays foreigners were celebrating New Year’s Day and Christmas holidays together with Ukrainian students. The best students Shazat Kayumov, Azamat Osmanov, Batyr Tirkeshov, Ataniyaz Allaberenov were rewarded for success in studies, active participation in community and sports life of Physical Training Department.

We wish them success in their studies and great victories in sports!

Пресцентр УДПУ