In the framework of thematic journeys around Ukraine was held a meeting of the USPU students with a leader of the band “Antitila” Taras Topolia. The youth of the university had an opportunity to communicate with a musician, ask him different questions and receive answers to them.

The youth was interested in creative works, volunteer and community activity of Taras Topolia. A soloist of the band was glad to tell about All-Ukrainian travel tour in support of a new album “Everything is beautiful”, share his plans for future and his opinion on music arts. The other directions of the young musicians activities are volunteering and participation in community life. Taras is sure that it is necessary, being a patriot, to help people who need this help. His band “Antitila” helped Crimea migrants to settle in a new place; Taras has been to the eastern Ukraine, handed the soldiers in clothes and food. “If not to help now, tomorrow there can be no audience to visit our concerts”, said a musician.

Fans of Taras Topolia mentioned about exhibition of pictures “Ukraine exists”, which was presented at UNO headquarters in New York. The soloist of the band was an author of the idea of exhibition, aimed at showing real situation in Donbas.

The project’s authors decided to depict 2 realities in nowadays Ukraine. “Military” part was presented in the form of installation, which consists of 4 plasma panels. They were broadcasting documentary videos about event in the eastern Ukraine with subtitles in English. Civil, “peaceful” part as represented by exposition of Ukrainian contemporary arts. It consisted of works by 15 authors (pictures, graphic arts, ceramics, posters) from all over Ukraine.
The exhibition “Ukraine Exists” will visit Museum of Ukraine in New York, Chicago, after Canada. Here the exhibition will be extended by photos by Ukrainian artists.
The audience was listening to the stories by Taras with pleasure. The meeting lasted more than 2 hours, and in the end of the event, the musician arranged photo and autograph session. Fans of the soloist didn’t let him go for a long time.

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