In the Ukrainian-Turkmen cultural and educational center in USPU students from Turkmenistan learn about the celebration of Christmas and New Year in Ukraine, about centuries-old traditions and customs of Ukrainian people

Boys and girls from a friendly country listened to the conversation and watched a presentation on "Customs and traditions of celebrating Holy Evening and Christmas in Ukraine" and the documentary film "A Christmas Tale (Christmas and New Year carols)"

Director of the Ukrainian-Turkmen cultural and educational center, PhD in Geography, associate professor of Geography and Methods of its Teaching Chair Oleksandr Lavryk informend students about the history of Christmas carols and traditions that accompany their implementation.

Foreign students are actively discussing all the heard and seen. They are convinced that in Ukraine the New Year is always connected with dreams of a better future.

Undoubtedly, all these measures will help students from Turkmenistan better to understand the way of life of the Ukrainian people.

Пресцентр УДПУ