"Country’s Pride" National Award, the project of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation is annually awarded to the citizens of Ukraine who have demonstrated exceptional courage and dedication. The seventh year running this award is given to the Ukrainians who deserve admiration and pride for their heroic deeds, sincere souls and their outstanding lives.

In 2013 among the nominees for the "Country’s Pride" national award there is Anya Litvinova, the first year student of Arts and Pedagogics Department (studying "Visual Arts"). The 19-year-old girl who is confined to bed because of her congenial disease wins the national and international competitions. The canvasses of the young artist fascinated the fans at the two personal exhibitions in her native city of Odesa.

Anya is the winner of the International Charitable Fund of Vladimir Spivakov in the "Moscow Meets Friends” contest-festival. In 2009 she was awarded the scholarship by the chairman of the Odesa Regional State Administration for Gifted Children and the scholarship by the mayor of Odesa in 2010. The article written by Inna Eisenberg in the "Facts" newspaper in the section of "Power of Spirit» (№ 98 dated June 7, 2013) was dedicated to the life and work of Anya Litvinova.

We wish Anya to get the National Award as she earned it with her life and work; also, we wish her progress her treatment and recovery, inspiration, new creative achievements and academic excellence!

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