As the result of USPU student self-government work during 2013-2014 academic year was held reports and election conference. At conference was considered the Student Council report of the last academic year and were held elections to the renewed Student Council and delegate members to the University Scientific Council.

At the meeting were present student community representatives from all the university departments, vice-rector in the humanities Dmytro Baldynyuk, director of educational work Nataliya Revnyuk, and vice-chairman of professional committee Liliya Krutchenko.

The conference was held according to all the procedure requirements. The report on implemented work announced by vice-chairman of the Student Council Dariya Mehova was admitted as satisfactory. Dariya underlined the important role of student self-governance in university life and its functioning in nowadays difficult situations.

At the meeting were summed up the results of work and discussed the urgent problems of Student Council structural subdivisions, mainly scientific, informational and communication, cultural and educational sectors, social and psychological service.

Vice-rector in humanities Dmytro Baldynyuk thanked members of Student Council for their cooperation with the university administration, wished success in their work. Besides, Dmytro Ivanovych talked about the new redaction of the Statute of Student Council at USPU according to the new Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” and accentuated some points of the Statute.

As the result of the meeting, the new members of USPU Student Council, student-members of University Scientific Council were chosen; the Statute of Student Council at USPU was adopted.

The renewed Student Council chose the chairman of the council – student of Social and Psychological Education Department, Dariya Mehova; the vice-charman of the council – student ofUkrainian Philology Department, Iryna Bolshakova; the secretary of the council – student of Primary Education Department, Kateryna Karachynetska.

We wish the renewed Student Council success and inspiration in plans and ideas realization.

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