A great role in community self-government at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University plays Student Council, headed by a student at Physical Education Department Yevgenia Boroday. The university administration and rector, professor Oleksandr Besludniy help to develop atudent self-government, create good conditions for its work.

According to the article 38 of Law of Ukraine “About Higher Education” for ensuring qualitative work work of Student Council was open a room for them. On this occasion came rector of he university Oleksandr Besludniy, pro-rector in scientific and pedagogical work Olena Kirdan, pro-rector in economic matters Nataliya Petrenko, representatives of student activists. In his welcoming speech Oleksandr Ivanovych mentioned that university administration supports students and implementation of student self-government tasks and is willing to continue to promote to their improvement. Rector presented computer to student council with the aim of qualitative work of self-government.

A head of student council Yevgenia Boroday thanked rector for his constant support and expressed willingness to further successful collaboration.

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