Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Professor, met with the delegation of the "Academy of Social Management" State budget educational institution of higher professional education of Moscow region headed by Olena Grebennikova, the Vice-Rector of the Higher Professional Education, Head of Chair of General Management.

Olena Grebennikova who took part in the International Scientific Conference at the Foreign Languages ??Department of USPU familiarized herself with the educational facilities, the University departments and talked to the staff and the students, expressed her satisfaction and delight with what she saw and heard.

- Now that I have seen everything with my own eyes I am convinced that you do have much to show and offer a lot to learn”, she said. A friendly and working atmosphere at the University encourages the development of cooperation.

The honorable guest has sent the greetings from Oleksandr Salov, the Rector, from the head of the student council and Students' Scientific Society of the "Academy of Social Management" State budget educational institution of higher professional education of Moscow region personally to Natalia S. Pobirchenko and the entire staff and students of USPU.

The messages express satisfaction with co-operation that has started this spring. (The first time Pavlo Tychyna USPU visited the Academy of Social Management was in May). At that time the educational establishment held "Social Management in the twentieth century: personality - society - business - government" organizational International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Postgraduates. It is expected that the cooperation between the two universities will develop and strengthen every year, and the number and quality of joint projects will continue to grow.

The Academy of Social Management with the support of the Students' Scientific Society hold the annual conferences of undergraduate and graduate students on the issues of regional economics and economic theory, economic, historical and political aspects of state and municipal government, education, psychology of personality, innovation and social responsibility in business practices and other. Since 2013 these traditional conferences announced to be international. So the Student’s Scientific Society encourages Pavlo Tychyna USPU to participate in the next conference which is going to be held in May 2014.

Besides, the Moscow colleagues approve the idea of establishing the bilateral student exchange. It was suggested to develop the joint plan of this work and implement it into practice next year. The Academy welcomes other joint projects and forms of cooperation. Everyone is sure that the technologies of social management, the underlying concept of the Academy, the accelerated development of international inter-university cooperation will make the cooperation USPU and the Academy scientifically and socially useful, efficient, socially responsive, mutually beneficial and humanly interesting and enjoyable in the near future.

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