In the family and entertaining complex “Amarant” in Uman was held a championship of Ukraine in multiple bench press among juniors, men and women, veterans in which participated at about 80 athletes from different part of Ukraine. Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University represented lecturers of Physical Training Department Andriy Semenov, Ruslan Maslyuk, Master of Sports of International level Sergiy Ilchenko, and the following students of Physical Training Department Ivan Mudrak (III year student), Oleksiy Karskov (I year student), candidates in Master of Sports of Ukraine Oleg Legin (II year student), Roman Romashyn (III year student), Kristina Malachevska (I year student).

This time our sportsmen did show the best results, but we can be proud of them. Andriy Semenov, Ruslan Maslyuk, Ivan Mudrak and Oleksiy Karskov carried out qualifying standards for candidates in Master of Sports of Ukraine. Sergiy Ilchenko was rewarded a golden medal in the nomination “weight 75 kg” among men. Kristina Malchevska has won a golden medal in the nomination “weight 25 kg” with the result of 146 times for 5 minutes and set up a new record in Ukraine among juniors. Mixed team of Cherkassy region took II place and was rewarded by a Cup.

Congratulations to sportsmen on their new achievements!!!

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