2013 is an outstanding year in many ways in the life of our University. Importantly, it also boasts significant scientific achievements of the employees. Today we can speak about a significant upgrade of the scientific and pedagogical potential of the staff, in particular, the defense of the doctoral and candidate of sciences thesis in the most popular specialties in USPU.

That is why the Solemn Academy was held during the meeting of the Academic Council of the University (to follow up the good tradition of honoring the scientific achievements of colleagues). The “Gaudeamus” anthem performed by the student choir began the meeting on a high and triumphant note.

Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, corresponding member of NAPS of Ukraine warmly congratulated her colleagues for their personal achievements, thanked for their persistence in the professional growth. Natalia S. handed the Diplomas, greeting cards and flowers to the colleagues who have recently defended their dissertations.

At first, Oleksandr Bezluydniy, the first Vice-Rector, Professor, Head of the English language Department, corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences (Moscow), Candidate of Sciences was awarded a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Degree in the specialty of “General Theory and history of Pedagogics” according to the decision of the Certifying Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, his scientific advisor on the dissertation being Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector of the University. By the decision of the Certifying Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Inna Osadchenko, Head of the Polish - Ukrainian Research Laboratory of Didactics of Jan Amos Comenius was also awarded the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Diploma in the specialty of "Theory of Learning" (her scientific consultant was Olena Pometun, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of NAPS Ukraine). Tetiana Kuznets, Associate Professor, Dean of the History Department has recently held a successful defense of the thesis to become a Doctor of Historical Sciences in “History of Ukraine” (her scientific consultant being Alla Kyrydon - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor). Accepting Diplomas and sincere greetings the Doctors expressed their appreciation of the favorable conditions for scientific growth at the University.

Recently, the number of Professors of our University is growing. Maryna Dekarchuk was awarded the title of Associate Professor of physics and astronomy and methods of teaching. Congratulations on the successful defense of the Candidate of Geographical Sciences dissertation were addressed to Irina Kozynska, the teacher of geography and methods of teaching geography (supervisor - Grygory Denysko, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor). This month Galyna Gonchar defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Physical Education and Sport (supervisor - Director of ISEO, Dean of Physical Training Department, Associate Professor Galyna Bezverkhnya).

The words of cordial gratitude were addressed to the Doctors and Candidates of Sciences for their tireless search, hard work, and the great teaching talents, and the wishes of persistence, inspiration, uniqueness, health, inexhaustible creative power, scientific optimism. The meeting was concluded with the words "Looking forward to the new achievements" So, let their achievements continue to be significant and enrich the pedagogical science!

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