The assembly hall of Pavlo Tychyna USPU sparkled with delicate embroidery. Those were festive decorations of the stage, a portrait of the Great Poet, framed embroidered towel with flowers ... All of this added to a unique, national coloring of the amazing literary and artistic celebration of the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko.

The speeches of the presenters and participants were accompanied by video presentations and the sounds of bandura. Everyone was fascinated with the words of our national genius Shevchenko - the poet of all mankind. The large, free and new family mentioned by him in his "Testament" is the free and happy future of Ukraine. And if we can not create a great generation yet our descendants are already on the verge of great achievements. It seems like we have learned all about him. We have read and learned so much, yet we have come to believe that the phenomenon of Taras Shevchenko is inexhaustible, deep, phenomenally true, because every word of his is devoted to the fate of his native Ukraine."

Each performance produced a great impression. Our artists have shown the highest artistic skills. Sincere applause sounded to the "Kobzar" folk choir and "Sofia" Ukrainian folk ensemble (directed by Vasyl Semenchuk), “Gonta” male vocal trio (Vasyl Semenchuk, the Honored Worker of Culture Ukraine, Petro Voloshyn and Valentyn Kupchyk (art director), "Visavi" Modern Dance amateur folk ensemble (directed by - Lyudmila Androschuk) and "Yavoryna" national amateur folk dance ensemble (directed by Sergiy Kutsenko). The poetry recites have made everyone reflect on the timeless and always relevant wisdom of the poetry once again. An excerpt of Taras Shevchenko's “Whether you had lived or died!” poetry was masterfully recited by Larysa Saulyak, a member of the "Theater of the Word" creative studio and Diana Podreza recited "Cold Ravine" poem. It is noteworthy that members of the literary association named after Mykola Bazhan headed by Maryna Pavlenko, a member of the Union of Writers of Ukraine, were inspired by the works of the great poet and created the poetry of their owns. The students – participants of “The wreath to the Kobzar” contributed to the literary association named after Mykola Bazhan.

Natalia Pobirchenko, the USPU Rector, Professor thanked all participants for the patriotic event. Natalia Semenivna said that they touched the immortal works of Taras Shevchenko, perceived the patriotism, respond to the call for unity. This is especially important now that the world and Ukraine need peace. "Long live the Ukraine !" These were the final words of the Rector that preceded a loud applause.

Taras Shevchenko is often called the prophet-poet. Indeed, considering the disturbing Ukrainian social surroundings his words "Let us hug each other, my brethren, I beseech you, I beg you" sound prophetic. Equally meaningful is the guideline for future generations, “Gain knowledge, brothers! Think and read”, which is seen as a call to action. After all, it is the future teachers, the elite of the nation who should strive for the happy and spiritually healthy future ...

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