"Formation of national and linguistic identity in the lifelong learning" Center at USPU headed by Lydia Mamchur, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, performs active research and methodological activities in collaboration with educational institutions at different levels.

Another example of this practice was "Formation of linguistic identity in the context of multi national education" Ukrainian scientific and methodical seminar held on March 27, 2014. The forum participants were ten departments of education from the central region of Ukraine - Uman city and Raion department, Zhashkiv, Mankivka, Monastyryshche, Talne, Khrystynivka Raion education departments of Cherkasy Oblast; Gaysyn Raion department of Vinnytsia Oblast, and Golovanivsk and Novoarkhangelsk Raion departments of Kirovograd Oblast. The welcoming speech to the participants of the meeting was delivered by Olena Yaroshinska, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Associate Professor.

The speeches of members of scientific and methodological center and practitioners were appreciated. The following honored people were taking the floor: Lydia Mamchur, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Valentyna Koval, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Ludmyla Royenko, Iryna Kucherenko, Ludmila Ishchenko, Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professors, teachers Valentyna Molokanova (Uman City Gymnasium), Valentyna Shtangey (school of I-III degrees from the village of Moshuriv Talnivsky Raion Cherkasy Oblast) and others.

During the workshop the heads methodical study, heads of methodical unions, kindergarten educators, primary school teachers, teachers, and university teachers enjoyed an efficient cooperation.

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