Scientific and Research Laboratory “Ecology and Education” is a structural department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University; its activity is aimed at conducting scientific investigations in different directions in ecology, preparation of teachers of ecology and environmental protection.

Since its foundation (10.02.1992 р.), the head of the laboratory is candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor Hanna Honcharenko.

Direction of activities during 24 years:

* 8 state budget themes are accomplished;
* 2 doctor’s and 14 candidate’s theses are defended;
* Master and diploma works are carried out for educational establishments and corresponding organizations;
* 6 PhD students are working under candidate’s theses;
* Members of problem groups “We and Environment”, “Anticipate and Prevent” annually participate in All-Ukrainian competitions, forums and conferences; they have won in competitions in ecology (8), were awarded diplomas (12) and certificates (17);
* Members of Small Academy of Sciences are prize winners at All-Ukrainian and regional competitions of scientific pupils’ works;
* Scientific and Research Laboratory “Ecology and Education” has been 3 times a prize-winner (1 place) in All-Ukrainian competition “Towards clean sources”;
* “Scientific journal of USPU Ecology Laboratory” (18 issues), at about 400 scientific, educational and methodological articles have been published;
* Scientific and practical conferences of different levels – international (3), All-Ukrainian (10), regional (58), - 70 seminars, round tables, master classes have been conducted;
* Natural protection work was directed towards planting with verdure, planning and organization of public services, cleaning of water sources, making shields at small rivers, cleaning sources;
* 11 reserves were created;
* The head of the laboratory Hanna Honcharenko has been awarded with a jubilee medal “125th anniversary of academician V. Vernadskiy;
* The laboratory has been awarded at VII International Exhibition “Innovations in Contemporary Education” in nomination “Scientific, methodological and organizational accompaniment of innovative approaches to system of ecology education”.

Information on achievements of the laboratory’s scientists have been published in local mass media, national reports on state of natural environment in Ukraine (1994-1995), all-Ukrainian program “Ecology and natural resources of Ukraine” (issue IV, 2008).

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