Dear students and PhD students!

The Ministry of education and science of Ukraine announced the beginning of application admission for the second stage of Polish government scholarship programme “Polish Erasmus for Ukraine” for 2014-2015 academic year. The second stage anticipates 400 students and 50 PhD students studying at Polish higher educational establishments during 2 semesters. The language of studies – Polish.

The main directions of studies are: state management, studies on Europe, economics, administration, technical studies.

In correspondance with the conditions, defined by Polish side, the applications can give the candidates from all over Ukraine who:

  • who are not citizens of Poland;
  • do not have the permission for permanent stay in Poland;
  • have finished second year of studying at Ukrainian HEI (for baccalaureate studies in Poland) or second year of studying at Ukrainian HEI (for master studies in Poland);
  • have an average in 3 main disciplines of speciality which at least corresponds to the level “good” (“4”according to the Polish scale of grading from 2 to 5, or minimum 80 points of 1-100 scale);
  • speak Polish – have a certificate or the other paper which confirms the language knowledge of A1-C1 levels, according to the European Council recommendations (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment). If a person knows Polish, but there is no the document which confirms the level of the knowledge, it can be defined during the qualification interview;
  • for PhD student obligatory is the list of his/her publications.

The other candidates can add the information on scientific activity, which can have positive influence.

The deadline of application admission is the 6th of January, 2015.

The detailed information on participation conditions in the scholarship programme and the list of necessary documents you can find at the following website Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Пресцентр УДПУ