Round table “Moral and Ethical Principles of Patriotic Education in Terms of Anti-Ukrainian Information War” was held in All-Ukrainian press centre of Ukrainian national information agency “Ukrinform”. In the event participated: famous Ukrainian politicians, military workers, statesmen, representatives of religious creed, Ukrainian national communities, and education workers. Our university was represented by candidate of political sciences, assistant professor of Social Sciences Chair at History Department.

Head of National Expert Commission of Ukraine in matters of social morality protection Vasyl Kostytskyi commented on the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On changes in Law of Ukraine “About social morality protection (according to the state supervision)”, which was submitted by Supreme Council of Ukraine on February, 10.

“We should carry out our duty – to sum up opinions on peculiarities of Anti-Ukrainian information war, connected with frustration of our territory protection”, underlined Vasyl Kostytskyi and added, “Anti-Ukrainian information war exists in Ukraine since a long time and it is aimed at disruption of patriotism. An attempt to dirupt mobilization in Ukraine is connected with discouragement of Ukrainians, disbelieve in the future of Ukraine. And this is even worse”.

Colonel general Anatoliy Lopata drew attention to moral and ethical principles of Armed Forces of Ukraine forming.

National deputy of Ukraine of 8th convocation, doctor of medical sciences Olga Bohomolets announced the new law on alternative services in Ukraine, which gives an opportunity to feel attracted to our state protection.

Deputy head of “Officers of Ukraine Union”, 1st rank captain Yevgen Lupakov told about the necessity of Soviet Sovinformburo analog creation with the aim of controlling of information space.

Member of National Expert Commission of Ukraine in matters of social morality protection, famous scientist in Ukrainian Ethnology, doctor of philological sciences, professor Petro Kononenko made a speech on subject “Television and radio – mission and execution”, underlying the role of Mass Media in formation of patriotism of young generation.

Head of “Nationalities of Ukraine Assembly” Rovshan Tagiev on behalf of Nationalities of Ukraine and the other community organizations stood against liquidation National Expert Commission of Ukraine in matters of social morality protection.

About cultural, psychological and educational aspects of national and patriotic outlook development made their speech Galyna Yablonska, National artist of Ukraine, president of International league “Mothers and sisters of Ukraine”; Gurban Abassov, head of M. Magomaev Azerbaijan cultural centre; Lyubov Naidionova, doctor of psychological sciences, deputy head of Social and Political Psychology Institute at National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine; Lyudmyla Grydkovets, candidate of psychological sciences, head of Psychology Chair at Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology; Ivan Yushchuk, professor, head of Slaves Philology and General Linguistics Chair at Kyiv International University, Honourary worker of sciences and technology of Ukraine; Iryna Kvasnytsia, President of “Western Ukrainian Association “Heritage of Ukraine”; Yulia Goldenberg, head of a board of All-Ukrainian charity fund “For You”; Genia Samborska, head of All-Ukrainian charity fund “For people’s dignity”.

Yaroslav Balnovskyi told about cooperation of USPU with schools and community organizations with the aim of student patriotic education in terms of Anti-Ukrainian information war. In particular, Yaroslav Mykhailovych told about the system of national and patriotic education in the university, which inludes events on the initiative of lecturers, community organizations and students.

As a result of discussion there was adopted Resolution, corresponding to the theme of the roud table. You can watch round table meeting under the following link:

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