Dear university entrants! Registration of participation in experimental External Independent Assessment (EIA) began on the 5th of January.

Experimental External Independent Assessment is optional testing of persons who are going to enter higher educational institutions and gives opportunity to get to know the procedure of passing External Independent Assessment.

Deadline of registration of persons’ participation in experimental External Independent Assessment in 2016 is until January 30.

Schedule of EIA:

April, 2nd – the Ukrainian Language and Literature;

April, 9th – English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Biology, Geography, History of Ukraine, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.

You can register for passing experimental EIA at the website of Ukrainian Centre of Education Quality Assessment or you can ask for help at registration centre which works on the basis of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

The address of the centre is as follows: 2 Sadova Street, Uman (building 1 USPU, room 208).

Пресцентр УДПУ