On November 13, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University welcomed regional seminar participators in realization of youth policy by regional state administration and municipal executive committee. The event was organized by family, youth and sports administration department of Cherkasy regional administration with the aim of youth policy realization experience exchange.

USPU honorary guests were: deputy director of the youth, family policy and rehabilitation administration department of Cherkasy regional administration in matters of family, youth and sports Yanina Pogorila, assistant of Uman mayor Lyudmyla Kyrylyuk, acting head of family and yourh department of Uman municipal council Mnataliya Vdovychenko, public servants, youth leaders of public organizations, student self-government leaders in Cherkasy region.

The seminar began at our university with cordial reception of guests, whom our students presented patriotic ribbons in blue and yellow colours.

Rector of the university, Professor Nataliya Pobirchenko made a speech of welcome and told seminar participants about our university history and its achievements. Nataliya Semenivna compelled attention to the achievements of the last decade, clear steps to logistical supplies strengthening, university rewards.

Guest acquaintance with USPU was extended by Igor Kryvosheya, Professor, scientific director of Polish cultural and educational centre where the seminar had started its work.

Igor Ivanovych was talking about achievements in international cooperation with Polish higher educational establishments, in particular about international youth exchange, double diploma and student mobility eschange programmes, summer schools.

The university activities success in all directions underlined assistant of Uman mayor Lyudmyla Kyrylyuk.

According to Lyudmyla Mykolaivna words, USPU – is a modern higher educational establishment, cultural and scientific centre in the region. This was confirmed by new building excursion, which was carried out by Social and Psychological Education Department dean Oksana Kravchenko.

Seminar participators have had a chance to be satisfied that USPU had modern logistical supplies and the main priority of the university is to pay attention to each student, his personality, unique, talented and all-round developed.

The excursion began with student canteen; the guests were impressed by its renewed interier. Some of them even took pictures.

The acquaintance with a gym was also of a great interest.

After the seminar participators visited scientific and research centres and laboratories: scientific and methodological Innovative educational technologies centre, “V.O. Sukhomlynsky and school of the XXI c.” , “Rural primary schools problems”, “Theatre of words”, Cherkasy region ethnology”, Ukrainian embroidery laboratory, “Practical psychologist skills improvement”, language laboratories.

The guests were impressed by presentation of Social and Psychological service of our university. The stories by Social and Psychological Education Department dean Oksana Kravchenko, student scientific society coordinators, “Without barriers” centre, national and patriotic camp “Action”, psychological diagnostication were followed by electronic presentations. They watched a video about future social pedagogues and volunteers “The way Cossacks played football”.

The most impressive was, perhaps, entertaining and amusing part of social and psychological service presentation. Students attrected everybody to active work: everybody danced, clapped the rhythms and sang “Viva, Ukraine!”

First day of regional seminar work was marked by finale – choreographical project “Right for life. Choreography against alcoholism and drug addiction”, presented by national amateur ensemble of contemporary dance “Vizavi” (dirictor Lyudmyla Androshchuk).

This stunning and emotional performance was very urgent and nobody was indifferent, you could notice tears welled up into the audience eyes.

In the end, deputy director of the youth, family policy and rehabilitation administration department of Cherkasy regional administration in matters of family, youth and sports Yanina Pogorila made a speech. On behalf of the seminar participators she expressed her gratitude to the rector of our university Nataliya Pobirchenko, deans of the departments for a high level of event organization and carrying out, an interesting excursion, youth policy realization and creation of best conditions for modern European education obtaining, sport events and leisure activities for students organizing.

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