Dear colleagues and friends,
I sincerely and cordially congratulate you on the Day of Science!

The development of science, effective use of the results of scientific activities, introduction of new technologies secure the basis of the economic growth of the country and the key to its successful future.

The scientific school of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University has a great potential and the achievements of our scientists make a worthy contribution into the treasury of domestic science. We are proud that our University maintains the connection of generations and values the scientific traditions creating good conditions for research, development of schools and laboratories and supporting the young talented scientific personnel.

They say that the key to any science is a question; life sets goals in the science and science illuminates the path of life. So I wish you a true interest in the unknown, bright ideas and tireless work.

Dear colleagues, scholars, teachers, future researchers, students and graduate students! I wish all of you good health, happiness, family comfort and well-being, peace and harmony, strength and inspiration, intuition and professional growth, new creative success and discoveries for the glory of science and Ukraine!

Rector of Pavlo Tychyna USPU
Professor, corresponding member of the National
Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
Natalia Pobirchenko