To give pupils an opportunity to not only to express their attitude to social problems, but also to contribute to their solution was the purpose of the social projects contest which was attended by 10-11 grade students of secondary schools of Uman. Contest organizers were the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Pavlo Tychyna USPU and the Department of Education of the Uman City Council.

The contest received about 30 works from the schools of the city but the second round included only 13 best projects. The crucial stage took place on November the 5 in the presence of the respectable jury - the contestants protected their projects in the following thematic areas:

  1. "My family is my wealth";
  2. "Intelligent community against violence";
  3. "Ukrainians is the nation of healthy people";
  4. "Good education today warrants a true professional tomorrow";
  5. "Everyone contributes to clean planet."

Olena Yaroshinska, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Associate Professor greeted the participants. She said that it was the first time social project contest and stressed the importance of cooperation with the faculty of schools, local authorities. She wished the participants, guests and organizers of the contest meaningful work, inspiration and self-confidence.

Each finalist of the contest was trying to support his/her arguments with bright media presentations and scientific researches to convince the jury that his/her social project would be worth to win.

The jury included prominent experts – Svitlana Chorna, the head of the jury, the Chief Expert of the Department of Education of Uman City Council, Oksana Kravchenko, the Dean of the Sociology and Psychology Department, Professor, Nataliya Vdovychenko, the Chief expert of the Department of Family and Youth of Uman City Council, Olena Baldynyuk and Iryna Albul, Assistant Professors of Social Pedagogy, Social Work and the History of Education.

On completion of the presentations, protection and vivid discussion the jury made a verdict:

The first place was won by Anastasia Polishchuk, the 11th grade pupil of the secondary school number 11.

The second place was shared by Oleksandra Denysyuk, the 11th grade pupil of “Uman city boarding school of I- II stages named after Gagarin - Pedagogical Liceum” and Anastasia Bordylyeva, the 10th grade student of school number 11.

The third place was won by Anna Voytovych, the 11th grade pupil of school № 1, Dimitriy Strichenko, the 11 grade student of school number 12, and Tetiana Yaskiv, the 10th grade student of Uman college school № 7".

The winners received certificates and monetary reward.