A premiere dance project in "The art of choreographer" presented by the students of "Choreography" specialty was taking place on June 2 in the assembly hall of the new building of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

The first spectators of the "Kung Fu Panda" play were the pupils of the city schools. Children are the most sincere audience and the strictest critics: the assembly hall was filled with the children's laughter, cheers and applause. Children were experiencing incredible adventures together with the heroes of the famous cartoon. The dreams of Panda (Oleksandr Pishchaniy) were revitalized on the stage as well as the fighting styles of the Mantis (Anna Pidgorna), the Crane (Victoria Koverdyaha), the Snake (Victoria Shulga), the Tigress (Yulia Fedorenko) and the Monkey (Iryna Babkina). The lessons of martial arts were demonstrated by the master Shifu (Oleksandr Burkovetskiy) and master Oogway (Vladyslava Orlova). The escape of Tai Lung (Denisa Chernienko) took the breath away of the audience.

Lyudmyla Androschuk, the Project Manager, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of Choreography and Arts of the Arts and Pedegogics Department appreciated the efforts of the students in their performance and she said that was their first big project. The premiere of the dance project was taking place in the crowded hall and it fascinated the young audience who rewarded the actors with their heartfelt applause. Congratulations on the successful premiere of the students! We wish them to maintain an inextinguishable fire of ideas and thoughts!

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