The Physics and Mathematics Department has launched the "School of young educator" student club. And the first area of ??work of the club was cooperation with the city schools. On the eve of the biggest religious holiday 2 grade pupils of school number 3 in Uman were invited to take part in the "Easter Bells" educational event. It was a fun activity the purpose of which was to introduce the Easter traditions of the Ukrainian people. It was meant to give rise to the pupils’ creativity, culture, language, attention, educate patriotic and national feelings in a child.

Under the guidance of O.V. Zhmud, the Vice Dean for Educational Work and M.O. Yarova, the Senior Laboratory Assistant of the IT Department, the students introduced a class of painting Easter eggs, demonstrated their creative and organizational skills and abilities to use information technology.

The festive atmosphere inspired the young artists to create their own masterpieces on colorful paper. It was fun for children to make their own ??decorations for Easter eggs for their neighbors and family. And the time passed so quickly because it was interesting. The children listened and learned with enthusiasm, and the students had a good chance to practice educational activities because working with younger students involves lots of teaching skills.

"School of young educator" Student Club at Physics and Mathematics Department invites the University students to participate in interesting and useful work and prove themselves as

  • Sound engineers at student radio
  • WEB- designers
  • WEB- programmers
  • Photographers
  • Videographers
  • Event organizer

For more information please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Пресцентр УДПУ