At USPU were held solemnities dedicated to 55TH Anniversary of Primary Education Foundation and 15th Anniversary of National Theatre of Drama and Comedy.

“For these 55 years Primary Education Department made a lot for its region: provided qualified specialists training, developed scientific and educational priority directions, promoted to high quality of school education. The department has a great experience and its jubilee is an opportunity to sum up the results of its work and remember all who participated in its development”, announced dean of the department, candidate of psychological sciences, assistant professor Borys Yakymchuk.

History of Primary Education Department goes back to 1960 with enrolling 50 students. The first dean of the department was candidate of pedagogical sciences Vasyl Stavytskyi (1960-1972). Historical events showed that the process of the department development was not easy. As from 1965 day time studies were stopped, the teachers for primary education sector were trained at correspondence courses. But in September 1971 the department of the same type moved from Berdychiv to Uman Pedagogical Institute. From that time until now at the department function both forms of studies – day time and correspondence.

Borys Andriyovych was speaking about lecturers, veterans, who made a great contribution in foundation and development of the department, and also he mentioned his colleagues who keep traditions and develop future of Primary Education Department.

The first pro-rector, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Andriy Gedzyck accentuated on role of the department in high level training of pedagogical staff. He delivered diplomas to dean of the department and its workers for their scrupulous work and competency, creative approach to realization of state policy in education.

Guests from Kyiv: head of the organization committee of All-Ukrainian theatre festival-competition “Theatre triumph” Lidia Melnyck and stage director Olga Uspenska joined the congratulations addressed to the department and student National Theatre of Drama and Comedy, which celebrates 15th anniversary of its foundation. The visitors from the capital delivered rewards to stage director of the theatre Natalia Alekseeva. Lidia Melnyck and Olga Uspenska expressed the gratitude to rector of the university, professor Oleksandr Beslyudnyi, head of trade union committee Oleksandr Osadchyi and dean of Primary Education Department Borys Yakymchuk.

The official part of celebration was followed by performances, prepared by talented students, lecturers, ensemble of national dance “Vizavi” (art director Lyudmyla Androschuk) and ensemble of national dance “Yavoryna” (art director Sergiy Kutsenko).

The event ended with watching a film by Ivan Karpenko-Karyi “Unlucky”. The theatre collective dedicated this work to 85th anniversary of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

Пресцентр УДПУ