This was the motto of Day of Europe in Ukraine on the 18th of May and in particular Day of Poland at USPU, organized by Polish cultural and educational centre together with lecturer of Polish, doctor Petr Pyzel. In the cultural and educational event participated students of Ukrainian Philology Department (in specialty – Polish) and Collegium of Interdisciplinary Individual Humanitarian Studies.

The event visited a director of International Cooperation Institute, professor Oksana Zabolotna, a director of Philology and Social Sciences Department, dean of Ukrainian Philology Department, professor Valentyna Koval, scientific director of Polish cultural and educational centre, professor Ihor Kryvosheya, head of World Literature and Slave Languages Chair, assistant professor Galyna Osipchuk. The festive event also joined representatives of a partner educational establishment – Jan Dlugosz Czestochowa Academy (Polish Republic) – doctor Karolina Studnitska-Marianchyk and doctor Norbert Moravetz.

With a minute of silence has begun the event; those who were present commemorate victims of Crimean Tatars deportation. The idea of the concert was program was unity idea of Polish and Ukrainian nation for the sake of prosperous European future.

The audience had a possibility to enjoy Polish classic’s poetry declaimed by Oleksandr Yakovenko and Tetyana Sobol. A forth-year student Iryna Vusatyuk recited emotionally a poem by Taras Shevchenko “To Polish People”.

The vocal performances of students Anastasia Ben, Oksana Lymar and Victoria Khomenko impressed everybody. Funny composition “At exam”, prepared by Yevheniy Mischenko (III year student) and Stanislav Burkovetskyi (I year student), and funny national song, performed by II year students gave to everyone good mood. A festive and friendly atmosphere, dominating during the event supplied with positive emotions.

In the end of the holiday a scientific director of Polish cultural and educational centre, professor Ihor Kryvosheya rewarded the winners of the competition dedicated to Constitution Day in Poland by diplomas.

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