Member of the working group of the joint project of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the British Council in Ukraine " New Generation School Teacher", Head of the Chair of English and its Teaching Methodology of Mykola Gogol Nizhyn State University Olena Taran visited Uman State Pedagogical University with a monitoring mission.

The visit started with a meeting with the rector of the university, Professor Oleksandr Bezliudnyi and acting Dean of Foreign Languages Department, Associate Professor Iryna Postolenko. They discussed issues related to the piloting of the New Program "Methodology of Teaching English" in Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

Guest from Nizhyn talked with the students of the Department, studying by the experimental methodology. The students shared their impressions of the new program, praising its basic principles. As a convincing illustration of its successful implementation the practical training in methodology of teaching English, conducted by a lecturer of English and Methodology of Its Teaching Chair Oleksandr Slobodianyk was held. It was noted by dynamic and interactive approaches, high interest and activity of students.

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