On the 21st of April in the framework of ecological events (18th of April – Environmental Protection Day, 22nd of April – International Earth Day) and on the initiative of scientific laboratory “Ecology and Education” members, assistant professor Hanna Goncharenko, professor Svitlana Sovhira was organized ecological exhibition and fair of amateur paintings “Transformation of waste products into art”. It was based on the amateur works of second-year – forth-year students of Nature and Geography Department.

Each picture had its own idea and conceptual approach, but all of them are made of different accessories (glass beads, thread, cloth), tree waste products (sawdust), nutrition produces (tea, sugar, salt, bay leaf, peeled grains, pepper, coffee grains), everyday waste poducts (polyethylene bags, candy’s cover, eggshell), natural material (sea mussels, tree’s branches, sand), photoes, wax, plasticine. Separate pictures were made by quilling technique.

The exhibition organizers were aimed at nature protection work, student’s creative work, paying attention to ecological problems, and the most important – gathering funds for Ukrainian soldiers, who protect Ukraine’s independence in the South of Ukraine. The students showed their fantasy, skills and talents using secondary raw materials for authors’ works and paintings creation. The costs from sale of pictures will be put on the account for ATO soldiers’ needs.


18th of April – Environmental Protection Day. In Ukraine it is celebrated annually from 1998 the third Saturday in April according to the order of president of Ukraine “On Environmental’s Day”. This day are held events directed towards environmental state improvement, cleaning of water sources, gardening, protection of reserves, spread of ecological information.

22nd of April – International Earth Day. It is celebrated all over the world with the aim of community influence mobilization for effective ecology policy. On this day each citizen of the planet can contribute to environmental protection: to clean the territories from garbage, plant a tree, refuse using a car for one day.

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