On the 15th of February in the assembly hall of USPU building №1 took place an exhibition of photos by Serhiy Kravtsov under the title “Country, History, People”, dedicated to Commemoration Day on the war in Afghanistan. It was very cruel and took life of thousands people, brought families of perished grief and sorrow.

On the 27th anniversary of withdrawal of Russian troops from Afghanistan, the university students, lecturers and the other workers visited photo exhibition, made by Serhiy Borysovych in 1986-1989 during his military service in Afghanistan.

It’s not already Serhiy’s first exhibition. He made a lot of photos of the country and decided to present them to audience more than 20 years after the events in Afghanistan. In March 2013 it was the first exhibition at DIAZ “Old Uman” under the title “Salam, Afghanistan!” After this exhibition, Serhiy presented his photos in Berdiansk and Vinnytsia.

Serhiy Kravtsov shared his impressions on Afghanistan war and told stories on those events. It was interesting for audience… There was a woman who gazed at the photos with a hope to find her uncle who died in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, Serhiy told that his services had nothing to do with Afghanistan. That time he was doing his services in central parts of USSR. Unless his desire to study Polish and English, he was determined to learn Urdu and English. When he was a third year student, he began to study one more official language of Afghanistan – Dari, which he liked very much.

Then he flew to Afghanistan. His first impressions of Afghanistan were so strong that Serhiy even forgot to take a photo camera with him. But soon he realized his mistake and tried to retrieve it.

- The worse and the most frightening was to realize that this country is in war and I had to face it sooner or later! – tells Serhiy Kravtsov. – But I wanted to know people and country even in those conditions. From 1986 until 1989 I have been to many places of this country, I have smth to remember and tell about with the help of photos from Afghanistan. Each photo and each shot depicts a moment from smb’s life, it is a history!

… To reproduce the stories and pages of history asked Serhiy representatives of Afghanistan, as on his photos there are already ruined buildings. The author of photos wants his works see as many people as possible so that to remember that life of people is unique, but passing, we should save it! We should save peace on the earth!

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