The 23 Festival of pedagogical creativity was held at our University. It was dedicated to the 125th anniversary of birth of Anton Semenovych Makarenko, the 150th anniversary of birth of Volodymyr Ivanovych Vernadsky and the 150th anniversary of birth of Borys Dmytrovych Grinchenko. The names of these famous people inspired and motivated all the participants as well as the audience for new achievements.

All the creative ideas and initiatives are supported by Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector of the University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, and also by the administration and the trade union.

The festival program was interesting and varied, full of good, positive emotions and pleasant mood. This is due to the planned events: the presentation of institutes, the contests like "Kaleidoscope of pedagogical ideas", "The work with the audience”,” The homework”, “Education: an insight through the ages." During the festival the students demonstrated their excellent acting skills, creative abilities, scenic culture, and vivid imagination in the action that reveals a historical vision of teaching.

According to the quality of performance, each team was awarded diplomas in the following categories:

  • «For the word mastery” - the team of the Institute of Child Development.
  • «For creative and intellectual potential" - the team of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and Technology Education.
  • «For acting" – the team of the Institute of Social and Economic Education.
  • «For the unique implementation of educational ideas" - the team of the Institute of Philology and Social Sciences.

We wish our students never stop conquering new peaks in teaching because the future and education of the younger generation depends on their skills and diligence!

Пресцентр УДПУ