18 - 20 March "Modern Educational Institutions - 2014" V International exhibition was held in the "KievExpoPlaza" exhibition center. It was initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and the "Exhibition World" company.

The exhibition was a great professional forum of educational, scientific and technological innovations, an effective platform for dialogue between the representatives of educational institutions in different countries, companies producing the necessary supplies, a tool for popularizing the latest educational techniques and information technologies aimed at the formation of modern national education system.

The following honored people were participating in the event: Liliya Hrynevych, the Chairman of the Education and Science Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Inna Sovsun, Acting First Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Vasyl Kremen, the President of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, the representatives of national and international universities, educators, scientists and students.

At the ceremony of awarding the higher educational institutions of III-IV accreditation levels, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University won the "Leader of higher education in Ukraine" Grand Prix and received the Certificate for "Quality scientific publications" according to Scopus international database and a Diploma of Organizing Committee for the presentation of achievements in innovative modernization of national education.

The exhibition was outstanding due to the impressive number of participants and the hospitality of the organizers. It is pleasant to note that the guests spoke about the exposition of USPU, the scientific and methodical contribution of teachers, the works of art created by students with so much appreciation. They also noted the detailed informational resources presented about our educational establishment.

The prospective applicants were interested to watch the videos of USPU, ask our representatives about the areas of training and the learning environment. The international exhibition has proved once again that Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University is a specimen of modern higher education, a powerful center of science, spirituality and culture.

Additional information:
995 educational institutions of all levels and forms of ownership, research institutions, teaching centers, education authorities, associations, foreign education agencies, publishers, companies and businesses that provide learning tools for education presented their outstanding achievements at the "Modern Educational Institutions - 2014" exhibition.