At Social and Psychological Education Department in the framework of National and patriotic camp “ACTION” was held a meeting with students, university lecturers, soldiers who were fighting in the Eastern part of Ukraine, and volunteers, who go to the occupied territory and bring soldiers and the other people humanitarian help. At the meeting were present a director of the volunteer community organization “To the Victory” Olga Sytnyk and soldiers of 128 separate mountain infantry regiment.

At the beginning of the event a dean of Social and Psychological Education Department, assistant professor Oksana Kravchenko introduced highly respected guests; she was talking about patriotism, love to our country and necessity to realize volunteer activity in such difficult times for our country.

Lecturer at Psychology Chair, coordinator of National and Patriotic Camp “Action” Mariana Horenko underlined the experience of patriotic and volunteer activity at the department. The peculiarities of volunteer activity in contemporary conditions revealed a famous in Cherkassy region volunteer Olga Sytnyk and soldiers of 128 separate mountain infantry regiment were talking about everyday uneasy realities of battles in ATO zone, about their participation in military operations. Students were listening to the stories with tears rolling up from eyes; they asked soldiers a lot of questions.

In the end of the event guests received dolls as a present.

We should mention that it is one of regular meetings which will be held at the department in future.

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