On the basis of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University Innovation business incubator was held a meeting of Uman teachers of economics methodological union with the head Oleksandr Kharuk and methodologist of city education department of Uman Municipal Council Tetyana Plusch. In the meeting participated a leading specialist of Innovation business incubator Sergiy Stanchuk, coordinator in professional orientation work of Department of Econimics Nataliya Osadchuk, assisstant professor at Enterprise Economics, Finances and Financial Security Chair Mykola Biloshkurskyi.

City educators and economists exchanged their pedagogical experience. Besides, the meeting was aimed at training course “Principles of business” for school students popularization, teaching program defining including principles of enterprising, work of enterprises legal ensuring, marketing, finances taxation, business planning. It is worth mentioning that training course is teached by Department of Economics lecturers for 2 years.

The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere, everybody was active in discussion of pedagogical and methodological aspects of Principles of Economics teaching at school. The main result of the discussion was a decision to introduce the training course “Principles of Business” at Uman schools.

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