On the other continent of the world – the USA, in the city of Las-Vegas was organized a World Championship in freestyle wrestling, in which took part Master of Sports of Ukraine of International level in freestyle wrestling, pride of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Vasyl Shuptar.

Vasyl had 5 fightings: the first one was with the Iranian sportsman (he scored 8 to 6), the second one with the Russian, winning with the score 4:3. The third fighting was against the Turkish fighter (2:0), the forth one, unfortunately, he lost with the score 6:8. For the third place Vasyl was fighting with the Indian fighter, at this fighting he scored 6:6, where he’d won and got a bronze medal of Championship of Ukraine in freestyle wrestling in the category up to 61 kg.

We congratulate Vasyl on his great achievements and wish him in the future to throw shed on his name and our country!

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