On November 13-15th, 2014 at National Centre of business and cultural collaboration “Ukrainian house” was held XXVI International thematic exhibition “Education and carrier – 2014 Student’s Day”. In the exhibition took part Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

At festive disclosure made a welcoming speech Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine committee in science and education head Liliya Grynevych, deputy Minister of education and science of Ukraine Pavlo Polyansky, Pedagogical Sciences Ukrainian National Academy president Vasyl Kremen, and honorary guests from Canada, Czech Republic, Poland, Israel and France.

The exhibition took place on the eve of the International Student’s Day and aimed at Ukrainian youth informing about possibilities of good quality education obtaining in Ukraine and abroad.

After honorary guests greeting there took place awarding of rating exhibition competition winners. Our university was rewarded by grand prize for the best official university website.

Our congratulations on victory to our university collective!

Пресцентр УДПУ