On the 17th-19th of 2016 in Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth was held VII International Exhibition “Contemporary Educational Establishments-2016” and III International Exhibition of Foreign Educational Institutions “WORLD EDU – 2016”. The educational event was organized by a company “Exhibition World” under support and participation of Ministry of Education of Ukraine and National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

In the international exhibition actively participated our university. Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University received Grand-Prix in the nomination “Leader of International Activity” and got a diploma for presentation of its achievements and pedagogical innovation introduction into national educational space.

Scientific and pedagogical workers of Pavlo Tychyna USPU initiated and organized a round table “Management of Educational establishments: theory, history and practice”; speeches were made by candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor, pro-rector in scientific and pedagogical workOlena Kirdan, head of Leisure Activities Centre “Gaudeamus” Lyudmyla Gekalyk and PhD student Maria Kudla. The participants of the round table exchanged their practical experience in educational management.

Lecturers of Social and Psychological Education Department prepared a competition in creative work in the nomination “Psychological support of children and the youth in difficult life conditions”. During the conference “Contemporary problems of upbringing: challenges and ways of their realization”, organized by the Institute of Upbringing Problems at NAPS of Ukraine, lecturer of Psychology Chair, coordinator of National and Patriotic Camp for Student Youth “Action” Mariana Horenko made a speech.

Among the other awards of our university delegation were: a certificate “For the quality of scientific publications” according to ranking of scientific database “Scopus”, the honorary diploma for rector of the university, professor Oleksandr Besludniy for his organization work directed towards quality of national education, and certificates for organization of round table and the conference.

For 3 days of the exhibition work the university entrants and their parents have been interested in our university exposition, specialties, rules of studying, international cooperation of the HEI and possibility to study abroad. Participation in such educational events is a great opportunity to present their own achievements and prove that Pavlo Tychyna USPU is a leading establishment of Ukrainian education.

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