Uman team of boxers took part in regional championship of Ukraine in boxing among youngsters of 2001-2002 year of birth and open champioship of Kirovohrad region among men, which took place on the 13-15th of February in Kirovohrad. In the competition participated 90 sportsmen from Dnipropetrovsk, Cherkasy, and Kirovohrad region.

Uman combined team from Uman school №1 (14 people) and members of boxer club “Ring” (4 adults) showed the best results.

The competition was aimed at selection to regional combined team for participation in absolute championship of Ukraine, which would take place in May. The team would include 35 sportsmen.

Results of the competitions of Uman team adult boxers are rather good – among 30 participants of championship our university students took prize places.

The first place took a second-year student of Physical Traning Department Andriy Smirnov and a student of T. Shevchenko Uman Humanitarian and Pedagogical College Sergiy Zavidniak.

The second place took Yaroslav Petrychenko, a student of Physical Traning Department, third place – Dmytro Drobilko, a third-year student of Technology and Pedagogics Department.

As a result of the fightings 11 Uman boxers have been included into regional combined team, three of them are students of our university.

Dear sportsmen accept our congratulations on your victory and we wish you further success and victories.

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