Under protection of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and on the basis of National ecology and nature youth centre with leading IT companies “KasperskyLab” and “Skyline Softwear” support was held II stage of XV All-Ukrainian Championship in Information Technologies “Ecosoft 2016”. It is an annual individual and team competition among students of general educational schools, vocational schools, university’s students and PhD students, young professional computer creators of system’s elements.

A 5-year student at Physics, Mathematics and Informatics Department (Pavlo Tychyna USPU) Pavlo Hlukhinchuk participated in the Championship, presenting his author development “Packet of ready problems solving for school website functioning”.

This year the event had a new plan and presentation – in the form of posters presentation to audience together with electronic presentation of creator’s achievements. The competitors presented their ideas, the main characteristics of author developments, answered the jury’s questions.

In the competition participated at about 200 members under the following sections: “Web developments”, “Animation”, “Applied”, “Educational”, “Games”, “Instrumental”, “System”, “On Special Purpose”, “Models” of All-Ukrainian Championship in Information Technologies “Ecosoft 2016” and “Hardware Administration”, “Computer Arts”, “Short film”, “Programming”, “Robots” at national stage of International competition “INFOMATRIX 2016”.

In spite of a lot of competitors and projects, student of our university took I place in nomination “For conformance to design style qualitative interface” in the category “Web developments”.

We are glad to congratulate Pavlo Hlukhinchuk and his scientific advisor, assistant professor at Informatics and ICT Chair Halyna Tkachuk and wish them new achievements! We wish you understanding and support from friends, colleagues, upholders, let your professional activity be joyful and victorious!

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