In the end of the last week in Hnat Khotkevych Lviv City Palace was held International Festival “2016 Gramophone of Talents and Stars”, in which participated our national amateur group “Sophia” (stage director – Honoured Art Worker of Ukraine, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Vasyl Semenchuk).

The ensemble soloists Tetiana Khlivna, Anastasia Melnyck, Olena Korol, Anna Zagorodiychuk and Anastasia Shynkaruk won I place in the genre of national vocal. They performed songs, adapted by the group’s director.

The participants of national amateur group “Sophia” and its director are grateful to the university administration – rector, professor Oleksandr Besludniy, head of trade union committee Oleksandr Osadchiy, Ukrainian Philology Department, Musicology, Vocal and Choir Disciplines Chair, without whom the travel to Lviv would be impossible.

We are proud of winners at International vocal competition and wish them further achievements and success!

Пресцентр УДПУ