At the Chair of Biology and its Teaching Methods took place a presentation of a new educational and methodological manual “Ornithology”. Its compiler is a candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor Lesya Mistrukova; during the manual presentation she mentioned, that ornithology takes a special place in a system of biological sciences. Its object is a peculiar branch of animal world evolution – birds. From the ancient times they have been a model of evolutional invistigations.

Birds are interesting for researchers as they present a separate group in the system of spinals and they have separated from reptiles after mammals. An investigation and development of essential problems of contemporary biology are also connected with birds. Among such problems are: population biology, biocoenology, spatial orientation, signalling and communication, behaviour management, etc. Birds attract researchers by their accessability, connected with a way of life they lead, mobility, complex population and biocoenological relations.

The manual is written for the students of natural and geographical departments of HEI. Its content is devoted to the following problems: evolution, origin and classification; morphological, functional and ecological adaptation; energetics, reproduction, territorial identity; behaviour, signalling and orientation; migration of birds. Special attention is paid to ornithology important branches, which are connected with environmental protection. In the main parts of the publication the lecture course and practical courses are included, problems of students’ independent work are defined, the list of the main and additional literature is recommended.

During the discussion it was pointed out that the manual is original and urgent, it has a practical value for the aim and purpose of the subject “Ornithology” realization. All the present at the presentation agreed to the fact that education material, practical recommendations, which are included into the manual, would assist to students’ basic competences formation as an integral characteristics of the future specialist. The presented manual will be useful for the students of biological specialties of different educational and qualification levels, teachers, scientists, lecturers and everybody interested in biology.

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