Students from Student Council at Pavlo Tychyna USPU congratulated the university administration on upcoming New Year and Christmas holidays.

According to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar, symbol of 2016 New Year is red Monkey – a chief of clever, purposeful, gifted, mobile and active people, she is fond of jokes, good humour. Therefore, students decided to congratulate their teachers using sense of humour.

Girls and boys applied one of the main peculiarities of the year – brightness – to stick their wishes to bright fruits. Rector of the university, professor Oleksandr Besludniy liked the initiative of students, read the wishes both serious and funny, addressed to him, thanked the students and wished them to be brave, never to give up, work persistently and have success.

Student’s wishes on New Year and Christmas received pro-rectors and heads of departments. Students wished all of them goodness, love, peace, and well-being. Traditionally we are waiting for positive changes. Let this changes be bright, like toys on the Christmas tree.

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