The seminar was open by deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, doctor of physics and mathematics sciences Maksym Strikha. During the conference were discussed urgent nowadays problems that concern role and place of libraries in the system of HEI. Members of the meeting saw new information resources by Elsevir in the context of scientific and research work of HEI.

The seminar was open by deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, doctor of physics and mathematics sciences Maksym Strikha. During the conference were discussed urgent nowadays problems that concern role and place of libraries in the system of HEI. Members of the meeting saw new information resources by Elsevir in the context of scientific and research work of HEI.

There have been discussed problems, which are urgent for university libraries. For example:
* Personal collection of scientists in funds of university library: problem of processing and saving;
* Paper and electronic: organization and access problems (periodicals);
* Standards and description of printed anciently an ABIS “UFD/library”;
* Use of printed anciently issues in education, scientific and research activity of HEI;
* Peculiarities of books’ bibliography according to rules and standards;
* Library service and information technologies – harmony in university library activity.

In the end of the seminar participants observed rare collection of issues in the library named after Maksymovych and visited museum of history at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University.

Пресцентр УДПУ