In contemporary difficult world a profession of social pedagogue is especially important and necessary. Social worker tries to help in a difficult situation those who require advice and support.

A good specialist in this job can be only people who really love their profession. Lecturers and social pedagogues of our university are people who teach students to love their job, help young people to socialize, find their place in society and be useful for the others.

On the occasion of the holiday we express our gratitude for your professional experience, taking care of everybody, patience and persistence in your difficult job.

We wish you good health, private happiness, spiritual balance, professional success and satisfaction from your job. Have a good holiday, social pedagogues!

Reference. A holiday, which is today celebrated, is comparatively young, as it was found in 2009 in Copenhagen. XVII International conference of social pedagogues, in which took part 44 countries, confirmed a resolution to celebrate International Day of Social Pedagogue.

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