In the framework of All-Ukrainian ecological action “Don’t fell a fir-tree” on the basis of scientific and research laboratory “Ecology and Education” of USPU Natural Sciences and Geography Department was held a traditional exposition of alternative fir-tree on the initiative of professor Svitlana Sovgira and assistant professor Ganna Goncharenko.

It’ s not the first time that people all over the world try to refuse a bad habit of fir-tree felling. As far as at our university it is proclaimed to protect nature, non-traditional approach to traditional New Year’s Day celebration is actively supported. An alternative fir-tree is one of such approaches. Its exhibition is organized the third time.

The main tak of the event – creative initiative development and cognitive activity of students which is aimed at Ukrainian citizens refuse of fir-tree felling before the New Year’s Eve.

The action is directed towards illegal fir-tree felling and public opinion formation on “Christmas tree” problem, fir-tree and pine-tree substitution by their branches, which allows shortening the demand for big trees. Instead of this, the compositions of various materials: textile, colourful paper, ribbons, embroideries, beads, tree branches, buttons, produces, boards, old things served as basis of alternative Christmas trees. In general, original Christmas trees are made of natural materials, and recycling. But the handicraft wares are ecological by 100%! Beside the fir-trees there were snowmen made from cotton wool and threads. They were natural, bright and funny.

It was nice that many students had a desire to participate in the experiments of alternative tree creation. Among the authors of the exhibited works were students of Natural Sciences and Geography Department and Department of Economics; they had original ideas. Their decorative works amazed by technics variety and creativity.

By the exhibition were interested university administration, lecturers, PhD students. They were delighted:

- Good! Well done! Such creative ideas! This year exhibition proved that each year students had more ideas and imagination; we could only imagine the Christmas trees of the next year.

To sum up, the number of the exhibition visitors testifies to great interest in traditional images change and propagation of alternative arts in Ukraine. Everybody knows that making of Christmas tree and its decorations is creative, pleasant and consolidating process.

Pro-rector in social matters Oleksandr Osadchyi encouraged the exhibition organizers.

After the demonstration, a part of the Christmas trees was handed over the child house. The exhibition showed that alternative fir-tree can help to solve a problem of house decorating before New Year’s and Christmas holidays. It helps to create festive mood. Let fir-trees grow in wood!

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