Student academic mobility programme has come to the end, which is realized in the framework of agreement between Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and Jan Amos Comenius State Professional Education High School (Leshno, Poland).

With Polish cultural and educational centre assistance 3 students have been studying in Leshno during winter semester: Alina Meheda (Interdisciplinary Collegium of Individual Humanitarian Studios), Alyona Sheremeta and Yulia Krytsak (students of Ukrainian Philology Department). They’ve got a chance to study by European system of education, and deepen their knowledge on history and culture of the neighbouring country. Except the disciplines of their direction, the girls have been studying Polish language and culture, historical and social disciplines. At the freetime students travelled around Poland. They visited such cities as Poznan, Krakow and Zheshiw. Our girls told the local newspaper ABC (Leshno) in the interview about studying in Poland; they were speaking about their impressions and plans for future.

One of the program participators, second year student of Interdisciplinary Collegium of Individual Humanitarian Studios Alina Meheda talked about her impressions of studying in Poland: “Poland is a convenient country for both living and studying. Each city is special. Leshno also made an impression. It is calm, quiet and very modern. There is a good infrastructure in the city, which offers good conditions for living and recreation”.

Alina says that participation in such programs gives an opportunity to get new experience, study the language and broaden world outlook. According to Alina, studying abroad gives a chance to compare learning processes and adopt foreign experience. The student’s expectations from the project came true even more than it was expected. In Poland Alina met new friends, among them the Ukrainians, Poles and Kazakhs, who study there by international program exchange program Erasmus.

According to the Chinese proverb, “Nobody comes back from wandering as (s)he has been before”. Our students were convinced of this. We hope that experience received during studies in Poland will give new perspectives for further studies and future professional activity.

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