New Year’s Day scent was floating during university administration and student council New Year’s celebrating, which took place in café “Golden Fortune” last week. The New Year came with the Christmas tree, Father Frost and mandarins!

The celebration proved that vivacity is an important part of peculiar New Year’s Day atmosphere. There was an interesting entertaining programme, competitions, New Year’s songs, Father Frost’s fortune telling for 2015 and good mood at the event. It was a real fairy tale for adults, without which it is impossible to imagine a holiday. It is a part of New Year’s Day magic, a possibility to come back to childhood. The peculiarity of this fairy tale lay down in common participation in competitions of deans and students, singing songs, and being glad at Father Frost’s presents.

The New Year’s programme esembled people’s believes and dreams. New Year’s Day magic makes to belive in fascination, that dreams once wished in the New Year’s Eve will come true. The event, unfortunately, came to the end, but the festive mood would remain for sure during the upcoming New Year and Christmas holidays.

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