During the visit, the administrations of these educational establishment have offered to extend the agreement on cooperation with our university. We signed the additional agreements on the participation of our students in the programs of double diploma. It creates new opportunities to Bachelors and Masters of the University to take a course of parallel study in prestigious Polish universities, receive a diploma of second higher education.Students of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, who decided to get a second degree abroad will be provided by free tuition and accommodation in partner universities.

Therefore, international cooperation of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University becomes more effective. Thus, cooperation in education between USPU and Polish universities has been lasting for more than ten years and involves students participation in academic mobility programs, internships and various scientific and cultural activities.

Significantly expanding the horizons of cooperation with universities in Europe, our university creates its image of the institution where the quality of education is main priority. Students receive two diplomas and it enhances the employability of graduates in Ukraine and on the territory of the European Union.

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