All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “National and Linguistic Personality Development in Contemporary Educational Space”, prepared by scientific and methodological centre “National and Linguistic personality development in the framework of continuing education” and dedicated to Day of Science has been held. In the scientific event participated Kherson State University, Berdiansk State Pedagogical University, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Cherkassy National University, Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University. Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was represented by Ukrainian Philology Department and Pre-school Education Department.

With the conference opening, a director of scientific and methodological centre, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Lidia Mamchur was talking on national linguistic personality development as an important direction of contemporary education paradigm in Ukraine and professional training of XXI century teacher. The welcoming speech was made by dean of Primary Education Depatment, candidate of psychological sciences, assistant professor Boris Yakymchuk, and candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor at Ukrainian Philology Department Tetyana Tyschenko.

The work of the conference was directed towards discussion of urgent problems of national and linguistic personality development and anticipated solving the following tasks “National and linguistic personality development: retrospective survey and contemporary state”, “Competence approach to linguistic and literary education”, “Priority directions of contemporary linguistics”, “Cultural and linguistic peculiarities of phonetics, lexis, grammar and style levels of the Ukrainian Language”, “Traditions and innovations of Ukrainian and foreign linguistics and didactics.

The participants of scientific and practical conference were interested in our university students’ speeches – Nataliia Korkots, Oksana Lymar, Svitlana Roenko, Taisia Ivanenko, Alyona Manzuck, Mariia Andrusenko, Nataliia Scherbata.

The scientific meeting members touched upon acute problems of linguistic education reforming, which are necessary for new formation of teachers able to act in different pedagogic situations, possess different communication techniques, have developed creative thinking, innovative culture that generates new ideas.

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