In the group of “teaching, humanitarian, physical education and sports” institutions Pavlo Tychyna Uman Pedagogical University occupies the 4th place among the pedagogical universities and 8 place in general.

The rating of the Ministry of Education and Science is not just a list of prestigious universities. It is a national rating system of evaluation. It outshines the others first of all due to its objectivity.

The system of evaluation includes the universities of III-IV accreditation levels, regardless of ownership or jurisdiction. The higher education establishments are estimated according to the rating principles of Berlin. The system is open, transparent and accessible to everyone. Besides, the rating is based solely on statistical data the quality of which is controlled.

This rating of the universities is interesting for the applicants who are choosing the university, and it is also valuable for the educational institutions. The rating information received by the university makes it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the university and its future development. So it is not surprising that this year the number of schools willing to participate in the rating has increased from 229 to 304.

The rating of 2013 evaluated 304 higher education institutions. Among them, 207 public, 76 private and 21 separate units. They are evaluated on the following criteria: "international activity", "quality contingent of students", "and quality of scientific and educational potential”, “quality of scientific and technical activities”, “resource availability". Every educational establishment received some assessment: “successful”, “quite successful”, “partially successful”, and “problematic”.

For the full rating report of higher education establishments provided by the national system of rating evaluation click here.

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