Working group of the representatives of Social and Psychological Education department met with the Head of the All-Ukrainian Union of Public Organizations “Confederation of Public Organizations of Handicapped People in Ukraine» Serhiy Kashtan, where they discussed the questions on organization and conducting of joint activities aimed at developing inclusive tourism in Cherkasy region and Uman city.

Inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism as a system of events in Ukraine (Verkhovna Rada in March filed the Law №4271 «On the Introduction of Changes to Some Laws of Ukraine Regarding Inclusive Rehabilitation and Social Tourism”) has directed to the restoration and development of the physical, social, spiritual, creative and intellectual life of a person on the basis of physical and mental capabilities to facilitate its integration into society. So, the working group considered the issue to include the persons with disabilities into life of the community and take part in it along with other members, using their skills and abilities in the daily activities.

The Dean of the Department Oksana Kravchenko, coordinator of the Center for Social and Educational Integration „Without Barriers” Maya Perfileva and Centre Manager Alla Voytovska participated in the discussion of issues related to inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism.

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