In the beginning of a new academic year university administration organized a meeting with foreign students, the amount of whom this year comprises 200 people. At the event participated pro-rector in scientific and pedagogical work Olena Kirdan, head of department in work with foreign students Nadiya Remezovska, legal advisor of the university Vasyl Pidlisnyi, representatives of departments’ dean’s offices at which foreign students are studying.

Pro-rector Olena Kirdan congratulated students on the beginning of a new academic year and wished them success at their studies, energy, persistence in the learning process, good impressions from student times.

Legal principles of organization of learning process and foreign students’ stay on the territory of Ukraine explained Vasyl Pidlisnyi. Legal advisor accentuated on the university rules, rules of living in the hostels, effective laws of Ukraine and prevention of delinquency; exclusion of conflict situations. The problems of rights and duties of Ukrainian and foreign citizens, who reside in Ukraine, were also raised.

The meeting passed in business and friendly atmosphere, during which students got answers to important questions.

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