Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University has begun the new academic year with the Academic Council meeting. The meeting was attended by the distinguished guests - Valentyna Novak, the Secretary of the Executive Committee of the City Council of Uman, Olga Zhaldak , the President of the Regional Committee of the Union of Education and Science of Ukraine, Olga Konovalenko, the editor of the "Education" nationwide socio-political weekly newspaper.

Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector of the University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, honored worker of Ukraine, was the first to take the floor at the meeting. She greeted all the guests and introduced the information about the personnel changes at the University, the new employees elected from the talented young people who graduated from the University and proved themselves in teaching and research work.

Then the visitors were offered the report on the University work for the 2012-2013 academic years, and the objectives for the 2013-2014 academic years were set. The report was focused on the main achievements of the University in all areas of work and the prospects of its further development.

The following honored guests were participating in the discussion: Dmytro Baldynyuk, Vice Rector for Humanitarian Affairs, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Oksana Zabolotna, Coordinator for International Relations, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Olena Dudnyk, Director of the Institute of Child Development, Ph.D., Associate Professor.

Olga Zhaldak was speaking on behalf of the Regional Committee of Trade Union of Education and Science of Ukraine. After the speech she presented the honorary awards to the members of the Admissions Committee.

Olga Konovalenko, the Editor of the "Education” weekly newspaper spoke of the evaluation of the University in terms of educational journalism. She also presented the Diploma of "We Build the Temple" award to the University Rector.

Valentyna Novak, the Secretary of the Executive Committee, was speaking on behalf of the Uman City Council, and Yury Bodrov, the Mayor of the City and Executive Committee. She greeted all the guests and presented the Diplomas to the best workers of the Admissions Committee.

At the end of the meeting of the Academic Council the University Rector Natalia S. Pobirchenko congratulated the colleagues and guests on the beginning of the new academic year and wished everyone distinguished events, achievements, professional development and victories. She expressed confidence that only joint work and creativity could contribute to prosperity.

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