On October last days in the reading room of the university was held master class “Halloween. Pumpkin’s holiday”, organized by USPU scientific library. The event visited a lot of students who had a possibility to get to know about thematic make-up secrets and make with their own hands a talisman for house.

Thus, a master class of talisman making from ordinary pumpkins was conducted by a student of Physics and Mathematics Department Anastasia Kurich. Besides, in the reading room was held illustrated book exhibition, where a lot of interesting novels, short stories and articles about evil spirit, ghosts and ancient legends about Halloween traditions, symbols and celebration. Among the books were presented Ukrainian and Russian works by M. Gogol “Evenings in the small village near Dykanka” and “A night before Christmas”, a novel by M. Bulgakov “Master and Margarita”.

The participators of this unusual event received a lot of pkleasure and positive emotions; they took photos with talismans and make-up.

It is worth mentioning that before the last autumn month begin, Americans and Europeans celebrate extraordinary and a liitle bit frightful holiday Halloween. This holiday is widely celebrated in the USA, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, and it has a long way of its history. Ancient Celts had inhabited greater part of Europe; they felt nature changes, Earth cycles, rhythms and moods very well. During Halloween celebrating children are wheedling out of candies, the youth visit thematic parties, families decorate their houses, cut out pumpkins, set up fire, tell frightful stories and watch horror movies, etc. The symbol of the holiday is a lantern inside pumpkin in the shape of human head with which dressed in white children frighten adults, the latter pay off by sweets and candies.

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